
How To Send A Contact On Iphone

How to Send a Meeting Request From My iPhone

By Tyson Cliffton

You can send and monitor meeting invitations through the Calendar app.

i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Sending out meeting requests from your iPhone is a great way to set up meetings on the fly rather than having to wait to do it when you get back to your desktop or laptop. Meeting requests can be sent out from within the Calendar app. You can also monitor the status of invitees from within the invitation.

Calendar App

Meeting requests can be initiated through the Calendar app. The Calendar app is native to iOS 7 for the iPhone and comes preinstalled on the device. After opening the Calendar app, tapping the "+" sign opens the Add Event Screen where you can set up a new event and then invite people to that event.

Add Event

After filling in any other relevant information on the Add Event screen, tapping "Invitees" takes you to the Add Invitees screen where you can invite individuals to your event. On the Add Invitees screen you can manually input the email addresses of anyone you want to send an invitation to or you can select the names of people in your contact list who you have an email set up for.

Sending Invitation

The meeting invitation is automatically emailed to your invitees immediately after you put the event on your iPhone calendar. Invitees will see the following attendance options in the email: Accept, Reject and Maybe. Upon making a selection, that information is automatically sent to the Calendar application and updated in your meeting invitation.

Tracking Invitations

You can track the responses to the meeting invitation through the event in the Calendar app. After tapping to open the event in your calendar, you'll see a list of invitees that includes their status. Because invitees can change their status at any time, it's a good idea to monitor responses in case anything changes.


Writer Bio

Tyson Cliffton has been writing professionally since 2001. His work has been published at and Cliffton earned a Bachelor of Science in mass communications from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and a Master of Arts in communication from the University of Illinois at Springfield. He is pursuing a Master of Business Administration in management and leadership from Webster University.

How To Send A Contact On Iphone


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