
How Much Money Gift Apropriate For American Chinese Funeral

A Chinese funeral is steeped in solemn beauty and tradition. It's a display of respect and honor of heritage. Customs may vary past geography and a family'due south organized religion and the historic period, social condition and cause of death. Still, all traditional Chinese funerals include certain elements and follow etiquette around the length of the visitation, clothes code and colors.

Chinese people believe that funeral customs and traditions must be followed very strictly or else bad luck may befall the family.

In this article, you will learn the post-obit about Chinese funerals:

  • the role of family
  • the traditional Chinese mourning period
  • the office of a feng shui master in a funeral and burial
  • what flowers to send
  • the burning of joss newspaper and incense
  • if gifts of money are expected
  • what to wearable
  • what happens at a witness cremation

The role of the family

Traditionally, Chinese families are known to host lavish funeral ceremonies for their loved ones, every bit elaborate funerals help decide status in social club. The family plays a key function in organizing the funeral. They may enlist the aid of a monk, priest or some other clergy member who reflects the family's religious traditions.

The traditional mourning period, called 守喪 (shǒusāng) is ane year, and for the first-built-in son upwards to three years, though modern Chinese families discover a menses of 49 days. During that time, the family prays for their loved ane every week.

Read near how you can support grieving family and friends.

Asian estate area at Greenwood Memorial Park

Before the funeral

When a loved one dies, there are many arrangements to exist fabricated. Amidst the get-go things a Chinese family may exercise is contact a feng shui 風水 (fēngshuǐ) principal to choose the day and time for their loved i's funeral and burial. If a gravesite hasn't already been chosen, they volition ask the feng shui main to help them choose cemetery property with location and orientation in heed—oft on a loma and never under a tree.

It'southward common for Chinese families to honor their loved ones with three days of visitation before the funeral. The loved ane will be dressed in his or her best wear or a traditional white burial robe. Only loved ones who lived to be lxxx or older can be dressed in red or other colorful habiliment.

If facilities allow, the family may cull to stay with their loved one overnight, fifty-fifty preparing meals on-site. This is called 守夜 (shǒuyè).

The twenty-four hours of the funeral

At the end of the visitation period, the catafalque is sealed. If family members are present, they will turn their backs because they believe that the souls of the people who see a casket being closed volition exist trapped in the coffin. Likewise, at the gravesite, family and friends turn their backs on the casket as it is lowered into the grave.

During the funeral ceremony, the casket stays open. This is considered respectful to the elders and the loved one who has died.

Chinese funeral flowers

White or yellowish mums are most often used for Chinese funerals, as white chrysanthemums symbolize grief. The white iris is traditional for families from sure regions of Communist china. However, in the case of an elder who lived to be 80 or older, reddish flowers—and oftentimes a red casket interior—will be called. Both the visitation and funeral may include many large wreaths and sprays of flowers, 花圈 (huāquān). In fact, information technology's not uncommon for flowers to fill a room.

Women in the family often wearable mourning flowers in their pilus. The color depends on their relation to the loved ane:

  • White–wife, daughter, daughter in police force
  • Green–grandchildren
  • Blueish–not bad-grandchildren
  • Red–bang-up-keen-grandchildren

burning joss paper for chinese funeral

Burning incense and joss newspaper

A grieving family may burn incense, 香 (xiāng), throughout the funeral service. They may as well burn down joss paper , 香紙 (xiāng zhǐ), also known equally ghost or spirit money, though it's frequently besides paper houses, cars and other objects. The tradition helps ensure that the loved 1 will have the things they need to be comfortable in the afterlife.

The family unit may also burn down incense or joss paper money at the graveside ceremony and upon returning to the gravesite a few days later.

Gifts of coin to the family

Chinese funeral guests can be expected to give the grieving family money, 奠儀 (diàn yí), at the funeral or one twenty-four hour period prior. The traditional gift is an odd dollar amount, starting at $101, in a white envelope. It may exist handed to a family unit member or put into a donation box. The person giving the gift can write his or her proper name on the envelope or get out it blank.

red envelopes chinese tradition

Subsequently the funeral service

Afterwards the funeral, there is a procession to the gravesite or crematory. Tradition calls for the loved i's oldest son or grandson to lead, carrying a large portrait of the loved i and the incense holder. Other family unit members follow the leader. Friends and other guests walk backside the family.

In one case a loved one's casket has been lowered into the ground or taken into the crematory, the service ends.

If the family unit is of Cantonese origin, they give red (for loved ones over 80) or white envelopes containing candy and coins to their guests. Get out the bad luck at the funeral, and bring expert luck dwelling. In Chinese civilization, ruby is the color of good luck, and the money represents fortune. Earlier guests arrive home, they should eat the processed and spend the money to seal their luck.

Families in other regions may nowadays guests with a red thread instead. Guests are to take the thread habitation and necktie it to a doorknob to ward off evil spirits.

What to wear to a Chinese funeral

Traditionally, family and guests of a Chinese funeral wear plain white and dark-brown burlap clothes, 披麻戴孝 (pī má dàixiào). A son or son-in-constabulary volition wear a black armband. Western influences have made black attire more than acceptable at Chinese funerals, so if you lot desire to wear conservative blackness dress clothes, you can feel free to exercise that.

At that place'southward an exception to this tradition, however. If the loved one died naturally at 80 or older, the funeral result is a celebration of a long life, and guests may vesture pinkish or blood-red to show their happiness.

At Rose Hills Mortuary, our knowledgeable team provides assistance in even the most specific funeral traditions.

Dissimilar Chinese cultural traditions

Chinese families follow a variety of religious practices, including Hindu and Taoist. Families living in the United States may also combine their cultural traditions with Christian funeral practices.

Buddhism is Asia's nigh widespread religion, and the majority of Buddhists in the United States are Asian Americans. Buddhist funeral customs vary, but it's common for Buddhist services to include an altar with a portrait of their loved one, where friends and family tin can bring offerings of candles, incense, flowers and fruit. A Buddhist service may be presided over by a monk, and an image of Buddha could exist placed virtually the chantry. Chanting , 誦經 (sòng jīng), is the near important aspect of a Buddhist funeral , equally it helps ensure the loved one reaches enlightenment in death.

Read more most Buddhist funeral traditions.

What is a witness cremation?

Chinese people every bit accept casket burial and cremation. The choice is a matter of personal preference, and some families choose to spotter or fifty-fifty participate at the beginning of the cremation.

During a witness cremation, which is too chosen a cremation viewing, family members are brought into the crematory to watch as their loved one is moved into the cremation sleeping room. In some cases, a loved i may be permitted to printing the button that starts the cremation procedure.

Non every funeral home or crematory is prepare up to suit a cremation viewing, only it is becoming more mutual. If this is important to your family, be sure to bring it up early in the funeral planning procedure.

Read more than about cremation.

An upright memorial with Asian symbol and fountain in the background at Ocean View Funeral Home and Burial Park

Let us help yous plan a traditional Chinese funeral

If you are seeking to program a funeral that will award your family traditions and the wishes of your loved one, Dignity Memorial professionals tin can help. It's of import to cull a funeral home provider familiar with Asian funeral traditions that tin can assist you in planning a fitting tribute for your loved i. We specialize in honoring family customs while adding personal details where advisable. Our funeral homes offer cremation services, and many include a individual witness room where the family can gather to pay respects and reverberate on the life being honored.


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